VIEW STAT shows the status of current position of cash holding and Air Cash Balance of MFS (e.g; bKash, Rocket, Nagad) together for Super Agent & its DSR online instantly.
VIEW STAT has brought a revolution
- Transaction monitoring
- Management of super agents, DSR, and agents for MFS
- Transaction-wise summary view online instantly
- Day-wise transaction summary view
VIEW STAT shows the status of current position of cash holding and Air Cash Balance of MFS (e.g; bKash, Rocket, Nagad) together for Super Agent & its DSR online instantly.
It keeps record of each transaction starting from the 1st transaction, happened between Super Agent and MFS and then subsequent all transaction among DSR and all of its agents.
This application calculates the day end total cash balance holdings with each DSR, total deposited amount in CRM machines and total air cash balance holding with each DSR. It calculates the required commission earned from MFS for DSR. It compares statement, given by MFS and statement which is generated by VIEW STAT.
Please call us at 01720808099 for discussion and implementation in your organization.
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As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.