The Doctor’s Dashboard in Take Care is designed in a way in Take Care that will enhance overall patient care management of the hospital. It provides an overview of the total number of patients under a doctor’s, helping the doctor. Doctors can easily access detailed information about their patients, including the assigned doctor, department, and current location. The search function enables quick retrieval of patient records through unique patient IDs or barcodes. Doctors can update a patient’s condition, review treatment plans, test results, and track their medical history and past medications. The dashboard also supports referrals to other hospitals for specialized care and allows doctors to create orders for surgeries, including scheduling and team coordination. Additionally, it provides real-time data on bed availability, aiding doctors in making informed decisions for patient admissions and transfers.
This hospital ERP solution has 15 modules that ensure full automation of a hospital. Management of total hospital are taken care through all these modules; such as Reception, Pathology, Accounts, HR & Administration, OPD, Store module, Duty Doctor, Nurse station module, ICU, POW, OT & others.

TAKE CARE has brought a revolution for hospital ERP solution
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution for hospital management. Automation of a hospital is handled by the following modules:
- Reception
- Pathology
- Accounts
- HR & Administration
- Store module
- Duty doctor
- Nurse station module
- OT
Through automation, the hospital management can instantly access key information from their own dashboard without needing to ask anyone, such as occupancy status summary, doctors’ availability, nurse availability, income and expense status with their periodic statements, equipment status, profit and loss, balance sheet, and more.

This hospital ERP solution has 15 modules that ensure full automation of a hospital.
Management of total hospital are taken care through all these modules; such as Reception, Pathology, Accounts, HR & Administration, OPD, Store module, Duty Doctor, Nurse station module, ICU, POW, OT & others. Following information are instantly available from the system:
Occupancy status summary, Doctor’s availability status – summary, Nurse availability status – summary, Income and Expense status till yesterday, Profit / Loss status till yesterday, Status of major equipment /machine – summary.
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Key Features of Best Hospital Management Software (Take Care)
The system captures key patient information such as full name, age or date of birth, National ID, phone number, email (if available), and the name of the guardian or person responsible. It also includes details about the patient’s illness or condition, a brief patient summary, residential address, and financial details like advance payment and outstanding balance. The patient is categorized under CBD or General, with cashier approval for financial transactions.
In terms of patient management, the system allows updates to admission information, assignment of a duty doctor, cabin or ward, and services like the operation theatre or tests. A unique ID and barcode are generated for each patient for easy identification, and patients are searchable by this ID. The payment category is adjusted based on the patient’s classification (DMLC or GENERAL), and emergency patients are given priority. Additionally, the system includes a field to input the consultant doctor’s fee.
Admit Patient
The system will store and manage patient information, including essential details such as Patient ID, Patient Name, Doctor ID, Ward/Cabin Number, Admit Date and Time, Requested By, and Action taken. Each patient will be assigned a unique Patient ID, with their full name and associated doctor’s ID. The ward or cabin number indicates the location where the patient is admitted, and the admit date and time record the specific moment of admission. The “Requested By” field identifies the person who initiated the admission request, while the “Action” field logs the actions taken (e.g., admission to a ward or assignment to a cabin).
Patients can be searched individually by entering their name, ID, or phone number in the search bar. The patient information section includes details such as the patient’s name, gender, age, blood group, guardian’s contact number, address, and disease. It also holds a summary of the patient’s medical history, the patient type (inpatient, outpatient, emergency), and the department they are assigned to (e.g., Cardiology, Neurology). The assigned doctor’s name, cabin/ward details, reference information (such as who referred the patient), and financial details like advance payment and due amount are also recorded.
OPD Patient
In OPD patient the registration form date, name, age, gender, phone number of the patient, assigned doctor, room number, patient type and total amount of money will be displayed for being register as a new patient there will be no need of use any manual form.
OPD doctor can update the patient state summery and recommended medicine. Serial Number must be shown in doctor Dashboard, he can see how much patient he has that day. OPD doctor can print patient prescription. Doctor will suggest medicine, the medicine will either free medicine which will come from central store or it will come from outdoor store. There will be a token number in patient hand.
Patient List
This section stores the patient list, displaying the Patient ID (e.g., “P002287”), barcode, name, mobile number, and action buttons. The action buttons include an eye icon for viewing details, a pencil icon for editing information, and a trash bin icon for deleting entries. There is also an “Add Patient” button at the top-right to add new patients and a search bar for finding patients by name, ID, or phone number.
Operation Order
The operation order section displays a table with details about scheduled operations, including the Patient ID, Name, referring doctor (“Ref. By”), the doctor performing the surgery (“OT Doctor”), Operation Date, and Time. There is an edit icon for modifying operation details, and a search bar at the top-right to find patients by name or ID. Doctors can create the operation date and time for each patient.
Pathological Test
In the “Pathological Test” section, a new test can be added by entering the patient’s information, including fields for Patient ID, Patient Name, Mobile, Gender, Age, Address (optional), and Reference (likely referring doctor). The test selection process includes a dropdown menu where a test can be chosen, and once selected, the test is added to a list that displays columns for the Test Name, Delivery Days, Rate, and includes an option to remove the test if necessary. The date and time for delivery are also specified, and a remark section is provided for additional notes. The payment section allows for the entry of details such as the total cost, discount percentage, payable amount, paid amount, and remaining due.
Discharge Patient
The discharge patient section provides an overview of all discharged patients, displaying the total number of patients discharged each day. It allows patients to easily submit their discharge requests without needing any manual paperwork. The section includes essential details such as the Patient ID, Name, total unpaid invoices, and the total due amount, enabling a smooth and efficient process for both patients and staff. This system eliminates the need for physical discharge slips, streamlining the process for easier tracking and management of discharges.
This section allows users to create an invoice for a patient. It includes a text box for entering the patient’s name and phone number, likely linked to the patient database for easy lookup. Users can search for and select services through a service name search box, and enter the amount charged for each service. Invoice details such as total amount, the amount has been discounted & final payable amount all will be calculate automatically
Doctor Dashboard
Nurse Station
The Nurse Station Dashboard is designed to assist nursing staff in managing patient care within their wards or departments. It provides a comprehensive list of patients, including details like patient names, ward assignments, and assigned doctors. The dashboard helps track pending discharges, ensuring timely processing, and also displays a list of duty doctors along with their assigned patients, facilitating coordination. Nurses can filter the patient list by ward for easier management and receive an overview of the total number of Patients of Ward (POW). The discharge process is streamlined with discharge approval capabilities, and nurses can access up-to-date medical instructions, treatment plans, and medication schedules. The dashboard helps ensure effective collaboration between nurses and doctors, improving patient care and workflow efficiency.
the Pathology Section of our advanced medical management system, where we ensure precision, efficiency, and accuracy in handling pathology tests, patient information, and associated materials. Our system is designed to make the workflow in laboratories seamless, minimizing errors and optimizing the testing process, while offering easy access to essential patient data and financial information. Test Tube Management Each test tube in our system is given a unique Test Tube ID, which serves as an identifier throughout the testing process. Barcode Scanning for Test Tubes and Materials Barcode scanning is central to the efficiency of our system. In addition to managing test details, our system provides a comprehensive overview of financials related to each test. It tracks the total cost, any discounts applied, and any amounts that remain due for payment.
OPD (Out Patient Department)
Our OPD Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to help doctors manage their daily activities patient care. It displays each patient’s serial number, token number, and the total patient count for the day, allowing doctors to prioritize consultations effectively. It also enables doctors to easily update the patient’s health status, record observations, and monitor treatment progress directly from the system.
In addition, the dashboard allows for efficient prescription management, where doctors can prescribe medications and print orders. It also offers the option to specify whether the medication will come from the central or outdoor store, providing clarity for patients on where to obtain their prescribed medicines. The dynamic patient queue updates in real-time, ensuring accurate scheduling and reflecting any changes, additions, or cancellations throughout the day. Moreover, the dashboard maintains a history of past patient interactions, prescriptions, and treatments, allowing doctors to quickly review patient histories before each consultation.
This user-friendly dashboard simplifies patient management, improves consultation flow, and ensures timely, accurate care for every patient.
POW (Post Operative Ward)
The Post-Operative Ward (POW) is a specialized area in the hospital dedicated to monitoring and managing patients immediately after surgery. It is equipped to ensure patient safety and stability as they recover from anesthesia and surgery. In the POW, vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and temperature are continuously monitored using advanced equipment.
In take care software will show total POW patient, empty beds, the POW manager will show the list of doctors, total assigned patient upon each doctor. If patient came from OT, there will be OT data also that which and how many operations of that patient. Patient basic important information will be stored. The status that this patient is good to go for ward or not. Summary of the patient , medicine cycle will be preserve here.
OT Manager
The OT Management System is a designed to streamline the coordination of surgeries, monitor patient progress, and manage operational efficiency. This system allows the OT Manager to input and maintain a detailed list of doctors, including their unique Doctor ID, name, and a record of upcoming operations. The system supports a wide range of surgical procedures.
he OT Dashboard displays critical information including the total number of upcoming operations, Patient ID, operation name, operation date, and the attending doctor. The dashboard is organized by data to ensure quick access to essential information, offering a clear overview of the operation timeline. It also allows for updates to operation charges, providing real-time financial tracking and adjustments as needed.
Frequently Asked
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.
As a creative agency we work with you to develop solutions to address your brand needs. That includes various aspects of brand planning and strategy, marketing and design.